Nov 11, 2015
London Fashion Week #SS16 - KTZ
It is definetely very late for a post about the last London Fashion Week, but I think I owe you a few additional images of the runway...
Oct 16, 2015
Collaborative Fashion Shoot with Zinah Nur Sharif
During the last days of summer, I took part on a collaborative project about muslim fashion. I really enjoyed working with all those...
Oct 3, 2015
My first proper Fashion Week experience #LFWSS16
A dream of many photography students, who are interested in Fashion photography, is to take part and be behind the scenes at London...
Oct 2, 2015
Portrait Photography with Simona
It feels so good, to be back in London where everything is going fast pace and the possibilities for photographers are so diverse. I do...
Sep 13, 2015
Behind the Scenes - Rheinauhafen, Cologne
As I promised you, here are the results of the behind the scenes shoot during a portrait session with Juliane Neumann. All the girls...
Sep 3, 2015
Photographic experiments on a cloudy day
When a Monday feels like a Sunday, it is rainy, grey and cloudy outside - what do you do? Exactly, grab one of your friends and start to...
Aug 31, 2015
Fashion Shooting with sPOTTlight
After learning about the cultural history of the area, I portrayed sPOTTlight at PHOENIX West. We wanted the photographs to focus on the...
Aug 24, 2015
Overcome obstacles in your way
'Even if you stumble, you are still moving foward' - Victor Kiam. This literally happened to me last week, but even with an injured...
Aug 15, 2015
Setting Summer Sun
Enjoying the summer sun with my best girl! <3
Aug 13, 2015
ABUS Ruhrbike-Festival Wetter 2015
I had the great pleasure to shoot a few promotional images with Florian Kortüm and Marco Intravaia for the ABUS Ruhrbike-Festival, which...